I hereby waive any right, action, claim, or demand against BFC, its affiliates, sponsors, advertisers, consultants, officers, directors, team managers, employees, drivers, agents, heirs, successors, and assignees that may arise in connection with my child's participation in any football matches or training organized by BFC Soccer Schools

• I also acknowledge and agree that football training requires rigorous physical activity, and participation in training may expose the participant to personal or bodily injury, disability (permanent or temporary), injury or loss of limb.
• I understand and voluntarily agree to resume any and all of the liability and risks of my son/daughter participating/competing in any football matches/training organised by BFC Soccer Schools.
• The camp fee is not refundable or adjustable under any circumstances.
• BFC Soccer Schools officials and coaches will never ask you to make any payments in cash towards fees or other services and you are advised to avoid making any such payments.
• I understand and voluntarily agree to BFC Soccer Schools' time-table and schedule for the training classes, which are liable to be changed or modified based on circumstances that may arise.
• Indemnity Clause : Bengaluru FC Soccer Schools/Bengaluru Football Club Private Limited will not be liable for any injury, damage or loss (including any physical injury) caused to me/my ward, and I, on behalf of myself/my ward and my legal heirs, successors and other representatives, hereby expressly undertake to (i) indemnify, defend and hold harmless Bengaluru Football Club Private Limited ("BFC"), and/or its directors, employees, agents, representatives and/or other affiliates of BFC (collectively, the "Indemnified Persons") and (ii) waive all claims (including future claims), whether in contract, tort, or in equity, against the Indemnified Persons, including but not limited to any claims for injury, loss of goodwill, reputation, anticipated earnings, opportunities (sporting, commercial or otherwise) or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage suffered by me as a result of my participation in any of the events or activities organised by BFC and/or using or availing any of the facilities provided at or by BFC.
• Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization I/we hereby give Bengaluru FC Soccer Schools and/or its agents permission to take my child to the closest medical facility if an emergency arises and if a parent or guardian cannot be reached. We further agree to indemnify Bengaluru FC Soccer Schools for any fees or expenditures incurred as a result of any such treatment and to hold Bengaluru FC Soccer Schools and/or its representatives blameless from any liabilities for permitting any treatment.
• In addition, Bengaluru FC Soccer Schools have my/our permission to take care of our child's medical needs in the event of an emergency.

BFC Soccer Schools - Imagery and Videography Disclaimer

• By enrolling their child in BFC Soccer Schools, parents/guardians grant permission for the capture, recording, and utilisation of imagery (photographs) and videography (videos) featuring their child during classes for promotional and educational purposes.
• The imagery and videography captured may be used on BFC Soccer Schools' official social media platforms, including but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the website. These materials may be utilised for promotional activities, showcasing coaching methods, highlighting achievements, and celebrating participant progress.
• While BFC Soccer Schools aims to showcase positive experiences and achievements, the organisation is committed to respecting the child's privacy and will not disclose personal information such as full names or contact details alongside the imagery or videography.
• Parents/guardians acknowledge and accept responsibility for the decision to allow their child's imagery and videography to be used for promotional purposes by BFC Soccer Schools.
• BFC Soccer Schools reserves the right to amend or update this disclaimer as necessary, with any changes communicated to parents/guardians in advance.
• This disclaimer is effective upon enrolment in BFC Soccer Schools and remains in effect until further notice.